Finding Intimacy

Learn How To Enjoy Each Other Again

You feel like that loving feeling is no longer there and you don’t know if it can ever come back…

Maybe it was the constant pressure of work, the missed dates, the miscommunication, the lack of bedroom time…

Whatever the cause, the feelings of intimacy just aren't there like they used to be.

You aren't enjoying each other, and now you’re not sure what to do.

Our couples counseling intensive can help.

Our intensive is  designed to help you and your partner figure out  how to rekindle some of the old spark.

We help you breathe life back into your relationship.

The reality is that the feeling is still there, it’s just been covered by the stressors of daily life.

Through our intensive, you’ll go deep so you can find that core intimacy, that raw passion you have for one another.

And once we rekindle it, we show you how to keep it aflame, how to keep that passion alive through your daily lives.

Creating true intimacy quickly.

Through our intensive, we condense months of therapy into just a few days, so you can find your intimacy quickly.

By doing the intensive work quickly, you can gain momentum quickly, and ultimately that can lead to better outcomes in your relationship.

We’ve seen it happen time and time again.

Let’s help you find your true intimacy.

If you’re ready to heal your relationship, then we’re ready to help.

Click below to schedule your free consultation with us.